Familiarity with interior decoration design
Familiarity with Interior Decoration Design Interior Decoration Design is a business that grows around transforming thousands of interior design solutions to meet specific human needs.
Interior Decoration Design is a business that grows around transforming thousands of interior design solutions to meet specific human needs. During this process – or rather this journey – creatively, interior designers constantly show themselves and constantly redefine their work. Combining perception, artistic vision, interior designers work with clients and other design professionals to provide design solutions that are safe, practical, and engaging and meet the demands of thousands of people.
Amir Ali and Delaram Salehi, co-founders and founders of Delaram Design, say: “Design is a comprehensive and innovative way to do a job or demand. It requires a clear definition of demand and a good understanding of research, physical / practical applications for It solves problems and implements them. In addition, we call the design of artistic interior decoration design, which is influenced by education, emotions, markers, materials and colors embedded in it, a cultural concept.”
“Design is everything. It’s inherent and not just used to do projects. From a company name to its notoriety and its products – even the way they call phones,” quotes David Galullo, director of design at Pollack Architects. It’s all about design. We, as interior designers, play a problem-solving role for our clients.”
Interior design strikes an artistic balance between eternity, light rays, elements, textures, colors, furniture and mechanisms. All these elements must be combined in a great way to create a special structure and provide an experience of the environment.
In the past, interior decoration played a practical role in the architecture of mansions. Historically, architects have been accustomed to instinctively pursuing the efficient use of space as part of their mansion design approach. Throughout the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries and the early nineteenth century, homeowners became attracted to interior decoration, so those who made furniture and curtains for the house and professional craftsmen turned to interior decoration art. Architects also used craftsmen to complete the interior decoration design of the mansions.
In the mid-nineteenth century, interior design services became much more widespread, as the industry began to grow and people began to show their wealth to others, to find new positions in society.
The first large furniture companies began to branch out around smaller axes. Companies presented catalogs of their furniture designs, and the first furniture and design exhibitions opened to the public.
Some of these companies were: Waring & A, James Shoolbred, Mintons and Holland and Sonso
These traditional high-end furniture companies began to play an important role as consultants, to gradually change the tastes of customers, and began to enter into contracts that designed and financed the design of many important mansions in the UK. .
The Institute of British Interior Designers was founded in 1899, which was a major step towards the development of interior design as an art profession apart from building architects.
Famous nineteenth-century interior designers included companies such as William Morris, Candice Wheeler, Elsie de Wolfe, and Syrie Maugham.
The interior design profession flourished after World War II. Offices were set up to integrate guidelines, build criteria, patterns, etc. for the profession. The interior design profession grew and more emphasis was placed on the use of space design, user health and functional design, which has contributed to the modern interior design profession through development.
An interior designer can do things like set up a blueprint for the interior of a mansion, which includes understanding professional issues such as acoustics, lighting, temperature, and more. Although an interior designer can make a blueprint for a space, he cannot do so without the approval of a supervising engineer, such as a drawing of load-bearing walls. Interior designers work directly with homes with a particular architectural style.
An interior designer has always dreamed of becoming a professional in various fields such as residential design, office design, restaurant design, beauty salon design, international design and exhibition design.
What do you think an interior designer should have?
Finally, the profession is an art, but in addition to doing art, it relies on other practitioners to help a well-trained interior designer understand how people are influenced by their surroundings To take?
There are a total of 7 elements known for interior decoration design, and these elements include: space, light, form (pattern), texture, color, furniture and object. Each of these elements must be together to give a visual pleasure to a mansion that is in harmony with the wishes and desires of the customer.
The first component of spaces refers to the mansion or room in which the interior designer can work. This is the first structure of a room or mansion that includes walls, floors, ceilings, doors and windows, and beams and columns that support the building. In fact, the mansion or room is a “white painting canvas” that the interior designer works on to give it objectivity and efficiency.
Different sizes of spaces evoke different emotions.
In small spaces with short ceilings, people may often feel restricted or crowded. While small spaces with good design can inspire a sense of familiarity or a special place.
The secret of designing small spaces is the clever use of functional furniture with simple lines, the use of reflective surfaces, the low use of decorations and the clever use of the color element.
Large and open spaces give people a sense of freedom as well as luxury. However, very, very open spaces can make people feel lonely and isolated and have a distressing experience.
When a space is too large for the purpose for which it was built, it can be divided with structural elements such as dividers and curtains, or by placing furniture, creating different functional locations.
Lighting in interior design dares to create the mood and atmosphere of the room because by changing it, colors and textures can be seen well. Lighting can include natural light (ambient) and abnormal (artificial) light. Abnormal lighting has three main types, which include ambient, work, and accent lighting. These items are very important in creating a special feeling, mood and mood in special apartments.
Different types of spaces have different demands for lighting. In office spaces, this is especially important for employees to finish their work, to be able to read printed sheets many times, or to work with a calculator. In retail stores, the lighting should be designed so that the goods of the shop can be seen well.
The most important application issues are lighting, size and quality. If it is too small, it will not reach the required user. If it is too big, it will cause too much shine. For example, when you use a round window, low or high lighting causes discomfort both physically and emotionally.
The three main lighting models that interior decorators deal with are the pattern of closed, working and accent environments.
Ambient light is general light that surrounds the environment or above the environment. It is indirect and gentle, reduces contrasts and shadows, and comes from natural and unnatural light and is visible on surfaces.
Undertaking lighting is light that illuminates a small and special environment. A good light is a table lamp that allows a person to give the right light to the table to finish his work.
Accent light is used for punctuation, stage lighting and indoor focus. This type of light includes direct lighting on paintings or graphics or lighting on the floor to better reflect the texture of the surface.
Proper and intentional use of these three types of lighting in an environment ensures that residents have the right standard of lighting; No matter what the quality of the light.
Lighting has a dramatic effect on the balance and environment of an interior space; Depending on the purpose for which the environment is built, different strategies are used. The best examples of interior lighting are reflected in the design of commercial interior decoration, such as restaurants and bars. From quiet and crowded restaurants to romantic restaurants with candlelight, to mysterious and eerie lighting, the power and color of light is a valuable tool for creating a desirable environment.
Light is a powerful tool and as part of the design must be carefully planned to prepare the environment for which it is used.
Form refers to the drawing or shape of furniture, objects, or the environment itself. If we get the right proportions and percentages of the room, this is important for shaping the markers.
Form can be described as any three-dimensional object. With this title, each form has the characteristics of length, width, height and depth. There are two types of markers, man-made geometry and natural-occurring geometry.
Lines that join together to form the shape or marker of an object. Of all the markers in a room, the rectangle is the most recognizable and prominent.
Round markers can be used to soften the raised lines of an object. Triangular markers are generally used where strength is important.
This component is sometimes underestimated, which can be a really strong indicator in a room. Texture can be used to create an interruption in a monochrome room. By adding texture, you can create depth and add space to your design. Texture can be added to the room using carpets, wallpaper, eye-catching paintings and curtains.
Heavy-duty fabrics can be used to create a sense of recklessness in the room. Using soft and shiny fabrics like silk in a curtain can give the room a more formal look.
Sophisticated textures with different degrees that have been carefully selected can be used in a categorized way in the design of a room to achieve the desired feeling.
The fifth component is color. Colors can affect the mood of a room and the feeling it evokes. It can be used to bring peace and comfort or to induce vitality and intoxication.
In addition, colored materials can change people’s perception of the size or smallness of a room! The clever use of colored materials can not be underestimated and should be fully considered in the design of interior decoration.
At the same time, colors are the most personal and selected option in design. We all like colors and we do not like at least one color and many people have strange tastes in this regard. Colors have warm (red, yellow, and orange), cold (blue, green, and purple) or neutral (deer, brown, black, gray, and white) categories.
The clever combination of colors can turn darkness into light, death into radiance, depression into radiance, and sloppiness into beauty. They are used to show peace, luxury, warmth or coolness and tranquility.
The furniture for the room is made to help its mood and feel. An interior decorator should provide furniture that suits the customer’s needs and also aligns with the overall design of the space.
The most important rule of choosing furniture is comfort and convenience. In addition, it is very important that the selected furniture is in harmony with the taste of people. In interior decoration, the final image of the finished work depends exactly on the furniture. All the planned points should complement each other and none of them should overshadow the overall design. In any interior design, the overall composition of the design must be in harmony with the original forms of the mansion itself.
Objects in the design of a building are completely personal things. Although the furniture of a mansion recognizes the personality of its owner, you still have to be very careful in choosing them to be in harmony with the rest of the interior decoration. “Favorite objects, each with a story behind it. These are the things that, at first glance, show your personal weight on the room.”
In making decisions, using these 7 interior design elements, an interior designer can help the customer implement exactly what is right for them and also what they want. The end result should be something beautiful, both in the maps and in the eyes of the people and in perfect harmony with what the customer wants; Whether it is a design for a simple comfortable room or an ultra-modern design or a stylish office.
Familiarity with Interior Decoration Design Interior Decoration Design is a business that grows around transforming thousands of interior design solutions to meet specific human needs.